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Our Nadi Office 1982,

5th Generation in
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know about nadi Astrology

The Rishis of Ancient India Applied their minds and discovered many arts and sciences for the well-being of future generations of mankind.One such science is Astrology, casting and reading horoscopes based on the Positions of planets at the time of birth of a Person and the movements of the Planets across the Zodiac. This is a well developed science as evidenced from ancient manuscripts like Brihatsamhita, Jathaka Paarijatha etc.

Palmistry, Numerology and Naadi reading are the other disciplines. Experiences our family has so far and feed back from our clientele makes us to learn that the predictions being expounded through the records of palm leaves we preserve. The remedies being prescribed here in the holy script including the temple poojas are left to the sheer choice of the individuals concerned.

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Welcome To Agasthya Mahasiva Ati Sukshma Thuliya Nadi Astrology Centre

Greetings Visitor,

Welcome to onlineshivanaadi.com. This is the official website of Mr. C.Balakrishnan, Agasthya Mahasiva Ati Sukshma Thuliya Nadi Astrology Centre renowned Nadi Astrologer in the world. We can take the pride in saying this center is the oldest Nadi astrological center in the world and the most well known throughout the world. We are now in our 4th generation of this divine service to the blessed people all over the globe after carrying on this service from our forefathers.

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